AAMO Podcast 27: AAMO 27 – Amendment 3 IS a “partial-birth abortion” Constitutional Amendment

September 4, 2024

Adam Cochrun and Wes Scroggins walk through Amendment 3 in detail, showing why ultimately, all it really does is make partial-birth abortion in Missouri a constitutional “right.” Links:To Our Website – https://abolishabortionmo.org/ To Amendment 3 – https://www.sos.mo.gov/cmsimages/Elections/Petitions/2024-086.pdf(Page 2 is where the specific language is located)

Two years after Roe’s fall, why do churches remain silent as abortions continue?

July 26, 2024

Article courtesy of liveaction.org | by Samuel Green June 24, 2024 Two years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that Roe v. Wade was “egregiously wrong,” “deeply damaging,” and “must be overruled.” Many Christians give thanks to God as they reflect on the second anniversary of that historic moment and the stronger protections for unborn children that are now…

Pastors and the Moral Issue of our age

July 26, 2024

If you say you would have preached against slavery, you must preach against abortion Imagine that you are a pastor in the 1800s. Each day, men, women, and children with black skin are chained and whipped. Some are killed. And now, your congregation is about to confront a ballot measure regarding the legality of these…

AAMO Podcast 26: AAMO 26 – Interview with Abby Johnson

June 25, 2024

Violet is joined by Dr Abby Johnson – former Planned Parenthood employee of the year turned abolitionist.

AAMO Podcast 25: AAMO 25 – The Rally At The Capitol – Report & Review

February 26, 2024

Joshua Jenkins is joined by Drew Koehler to look back at the abolition rally in Jeff City (held on 2/21/24), and to review and recap all that happened, as well as to encourage others to join in next year!

SJR 74 and Initiative Petition Reform

February 23, 2024

Tuesday 2-21-2024, the Missouri Senate took the first step to what may be the worst anti-liberty legislation in years. The Senate “perfected” what they are calling their “IP (Initiative Petition) Reform” bill, SJR 74. That means they will take one more vote then pass it on to the House of Representatives to consider. SJR 74…

Abolition Rally 2024

February 19, 2024

Join us for Abolition Day 2024 on Wednesday, February 21 2024 at 1 p.m. in the Capitol Rotunda!!! Discover what is really going on in Missouri with regard to abortion, and efforts to end it. Find out what your legislators are doing about it, and how you can encourage them to stand for what is…

AAMO Podcast 24: AAMO 24 – Special Guest Ben Zeisloft

February 17, 2024

Joshua Jenkins and Ben Zeisloft from the Republic Sentinel discuss principles of justice and why our laws should provide equal protection to “born” and “preborn” persons. They answer objections to abolition and principled justice, discuss the spiritual (and demonic) influence on the abolitionist fight, and hold out hope through it all. Ben is the editor…

AAMO Podcast 23: AAMO 23 – Important Details On 2024 Abolition Rally At The Capitol

February 6, 2024

Joshua Jenkins and Wes Scroggins discuss the upcoming abolitionist rally at the capitol building, as well as ways you can get involved and be a help.  Details:02/21/24 In the Capitol Rotunda1-3PM Jeff Durbin will be the main speaker Anyone willing to do so should show up at 10:30AM that day to help speak with legislators before…

AAMO Podcast 22: AAMO 22 – Understanding The Initiative Petition

January 24, 2024

Adam Cochrun and Wes Scroggins discuss the initiative petitions currently surrounding the abolition movement in Missouri.