Action Items for the week of April 12-16
Action items the week of April 12-16:
- Make a phone call and write a letter or postcard to each of these senators in the Health and Pensions Committee – urging them to vote SB 391 out of committee:
Senator Bill White
Senator Holly Rehder
Senator Bill Eigel
Senator Andrew Koenig
Senator Bob Onder
2. Contact your local Senator this week, and ask them to get behind SB 391. Ask them to co-sponsor this bill. Tell them it has been assigned to the Health and Pensions committee and we want it moved out of the committee and on to the senate.
3. Tell your friends, family and fellow churchgoers about the bill to abolish abortion in Missouri. Encourage them to find out more at AbolishAbortionMo.com, sign up for our newsletter and contact their senator to ask them to support SB 391.