Get Involved

Be part of our Church Network

Are you a Pastor, Elder or Deacon? Sign the Pastor’s Petition. Download and print this sample sermon to preach or share with another pastor. Then, Contact us to learn more about connecting with our network of churches that support ending abortion.

Prayer Warriors

Commit to weekly prayer for repentance in our families, churches and communities. This can be done individually, in family prayer time, prayer meetings, at local churches and in Bible study.

Host an Abolish Abortion Missouri (AAMO) event at your church or organization

We have speakers available to present a biblical approach to ending abortion in Missouri. If you have questions about hosting an AAMO presentation, or if you would like to schedule a presentation for your group, please contact us.

Share Information & Interact With us

Share our posts, video and content you find helpful with others. Encourage friends and family to sign up for our newsletters. Find us on Facebook and twitter. If you have information or resources you think we should know about, send them to us. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to keep up-to-date on relevant current events.

Contact Your Legislators

Can you make a phone call? Can you make 2 phone calls? Twice weekly phone calls to your local representatives throughout January, February and March will help our legislators make this a priority. Ask your legislators to get behind bills of abolition. We want equal protection for the preborn! Launch this tool to locate your legislator.

Consider Becoming a Legislator

We need God-honoring, humble, honest men to fill the Missouri House and Senate, as well as local Commissioners, Council members, Judges, Mayors and other elected offices. If this is something the Lord has put on your heart, please contact us so we can be praying for you as God fits you for His purposes and opens doors. Check out this website for some great resources.

Donations for Christ Centered Abortion Ministries

There are numerous ministries throughout the state ministering directly at abortion mills. In cases where women repent and keep their baby, these ministries need resources to help with mother’s and baby’s needs. Many have older children who also have needs. Abolish Abortion Missouri does not direct resources and funds to just any ministry identifying as “Pro-life”, rather we direct resources to ministries that have proven faithful to Christ in preaching the Gospel and calling sinners to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

Connect with Your Local Christ Centered Abortion Ministry

There are ministries that need your help on the front lines. To connect with a local ministry, contact us.

Start an Abortion Outreach

Thousands of people across Missouri need the Church of Jesus Christ to minister the Gospel. If you or your church are interested in learning more about getting started, offers resources to help you reach the lost.

Literature and Educational Materials Development and Printing Opportunities

If you are gifted with graphic design software and skills, or you have resources to print materials, please contact us.

Distributing Educational Materials

There is a need in every neighborhood, every church and every community for distributing educational materials. If you are interested in distributing a handful of materials for your business, school or church or you want to get involved in coordinating distribution in your community, we need volunteers! Please contact us for more information.

Other Opportunities

If you have other talents and want to help in a capacity not mentioned here, there are many needs. Just contact us with a little information about yourself.


You can donate through Paypal

Or by check to:

Abolish Abortion Missouri P.O. Box 9881 Springfield, MO 65801