AAMO Pastor’s Petition
Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade unborn babies are still not equally protected under Missouri law, as born persons are. The weakest and most helpless Missourians are legally the most vulnerable. This is a great tragedy that must be rectified. Since unequal weights and measures are an abomination to the Lord (Proverbs 20:10), and since God despises partiality in the law (Deuteronomy 1:17), biblical righteousness requires unborn persons to receive the same protections to life as born persons.
The Abolish Abortion MO Pastor's Committee believes that current Personhood Resolutions and Bills of Equal Protection proposed in both the State House of Representatives and the State Senate would provide equal protection for our unborn neighbors, and properly reflect biblical principles of justice by abolishing abortion in Missouri.
These Resolutions and Bills are as follows; House Joint Resolution 9, House Joint Resolution 14, House Bill 1072, Senate Joint Resolution 8, and Senate Bill 619.
Under the authority of the risen Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20), as His ministers, we hereby call upon our fellow pastors and elders of Christian churches in Missouri to sign this petition as a witness to God's requirement of the civil government to protect the lives of the innocent, acknowledging House Joint Resolution 9, House Joint Resolution 14, House Bill 1072, Senate Joint Resolution 8, and Senate Bill 619, as legislation consistent with this biblical requirement.
In signing, we hereby call upon our elected representatives to support House Joint Resolution 9, House Joint Resolution 14, House Bill 1072, Senate Joint Resolution 8, and Senate Bill 619 and seek the abolition of abortion in the state of Missouri in obedience to God's requirements for civil authorities (Romans 13:3-4).
Abolish Abortion Missouri's Pastor's Committee: