Abolition Rally 2024
Join us for Abolition Day 2024 on Wednesday, February 21 2024 at 1 p.m. in the Capitol Rotunda!!!
Discover what is really going on in Missouri with regard to abortion, and efforts to end it. Find out what your legislators are doing about it, and how you can encourage them to stand for what is right. Show your support for legislation that offers equal protection to the pre-born. Learn more about working towards its abolition in Missouri, and meet others who share this vision.
Significant efforts are underway to either end abortion or enshrine it into our constitution as a “right”. It is imperative that you know what is going on with initiative petitions, SB 775 and SJR 74. We will cover what you need to know now and what you need to take back to your families, friends, communities and churches. Keynote will be given by Jeff Durbin from End Abortion Now. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the solution. Bring your friends and family. Abortion will be abolished in Missouri. We look forward to seeing you there!!!
The Capitol building is located at 201 W. Capitol Avenue in Jefferson City, Missouri. The Abolition Rally is from 1:00 to 3:30 in the Rotunda which is on the first floor right as you walk in the Capitol building. Allow 30 minutes to park and walk to the Rotunda. Feel free to come early to talk with your legislators and others. AAMO will be there all day.