In this Weekly Legislative Update of the AAMO Podcast, we bring exciting news—SJR 8 has been assigned a hearing date! Thanks to all who contacted Sen. Carter’s office—your efforts made a difference! Listen to the podcast to understand the next steps (briefly listed below) as SJR 8 heads to the Families, Seniors, and Health Committee.…
Wes and Adam continue to update each week with the latest news from the Capitol. In this Weekly Legislative Update of the AAMO Podcast, you’ll get the latest on the resolutions and bills we are championing. You’ll hear an update on the status change of SJR 8, what needs to be done next, and how…
Adam and Wes are here again to keep you updated each week with what’s going on in Jeff City. HJR might sound good, but it’s really not – Wes explains this episode.
The AAMO Podcast is back. A once/week update on what’s going on in the fight against abortion. Host Adam Cochran, is joined by the President of our board, Wes Scroggins, to look at where we should all be putting our focus and efforts in the coming months.
Adam Cochrun and Wes Scroggins walk through Amendment 3 in detail, showing why ultimately, all it really does is make partial-birth abortion in Missouri a constitutional “right.” Links:To Our Website – To Amendment 3 – 2 is where the specific language is located)
Article courtesy of | by Samuel Green June 24, 2024 Two years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that Roe v. Wade was “egregiously wrong,” “deeply damaging,” and “must be overruled.” Many Christians give thanks to God as they reflect on the second anniversary of that historic moment and the stronger protections for unborn children that are now…
If you say you would have preached against slavery, you must preach against abortion Imagine that you are a pastor in the 1800s. Each day, men, women, and children with black skin are chained and whipped. Some are killed. And now, your congregation is about to confront a ballot measure regarding the legality of these…
Violet is joined by Dr Abby Johnson – former Planned Parenthood employee of the year turned abolitionist.
Joshua Jenkins is joined by Drew Koehler to look back at the abolition rally in Jeff City (held on 2/21/24), and to review and recap all that happened, as well as to encourage others to join in next year!
Tuesday 2-21-2024, the Missouri Senate took the first step to what may be the worst anti-liberty legislation in years. The Senate “perfected” what they are calling their “IP (Initiative Petition) Reform” bill, SJR 74. That means they will take one more vote then pass it on to the House of Representatives to consider. SJR 74…