You may have heard of extremists who are bent on punishing and criminalizing women. At least that’s a primary talking point of those who oppose ending abortion. What we are calling for is equal protection under the law. According to the Missouri Constitution: That all constitutional government is intended to promote the general welfare of…
Why would Abolitionists want to criminalize women? The short answer is, we don’t. Abolitionists seek to establish justice. Exodus 23:7 says: “Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not aquit the guilty” But it’s a great way for dishonest folks…
What does marijuana have to do with abortion in Missouri??? Not too long ago marijuana was illegal in Missouri, but proponents of marijuana understood how simple it would be to use Missouri’s outdated petition process to legalize usage statewide. Money flooded in from all over the country to target Missouri. Conservative Missourians statewide were shocked…
Child sacrifice continues unabated in Missouri, in spite of the assertions of mainstream pro-life lobbyists and RINO legislators. To some, this may be a shocking revelation. Especially considering so many reports, infographics and marketing materials that point to a decrease in child sacrifice. But, is that what’s really happening? Is the abortion monster finally dead?…