AAMO Podcast 24: AAMO 24 – Special Guest Ben Zeisloft

February 17, 2024

Joshua Jenkins and Ben Zeisloft from the Republic Sentinel discuss principles of justice and why our laws should provide equal protection to “born” and “preborn” persons. They answer objections to abolition and principled justice, discuss the spiritual (and demonic) influence on the abolitionist fight, and hold out hope through it all. Ben is the editor…

AAMO Podcast 23: AAMO 23 – Important Details On 2024 Abolition Rally At The Capitol

February 6, 2024

Joshua Jenkins and Wes Scroggins discuss the upcoming abolitionist rally at the capitol building, as well as ways you can get involved and be a help.  Details:02/21/24 In the Capitol Rotunda1-3PM Jeff Durbin will be the main speaker Anyone willing to do so should show up at 10:30AM that day to help speak with legislators before…

AAMO Podcast 22: AAMO 22 – Understanding The Initiative Petition

January 24, 2024

Adam Cochrun and Wes Scroggins discuss the initiative petitions currently surrounding the abolition movement in Missouri.

AAMO Conference – Chillicothe

January 4, 2024

Join us next week on Saturday January 13, 2024 in Chillicothe for our first Abolish Abortion Missouri Regional Conference of 2024! The event will be taking place at Grace Family Fellowship Church, located at 1505 3rd Street in Chillicothe, MO 64601. From 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Bring your family and friends to learn about…

AAMO Podcast 21: AAMO 21 – Punishing People Who Murder Children – A Christian Liberty Issue?

January 2, 2024

Joshua Jenkins and Adam Cochrun lay out where things are at the beginning of this new year regarding Abolition, the Missouri Baptist Convention, and the fight for abolition specifically among Southern Baptists. 

“WE NEVER TELL” Veritas exposes Planned Parenthood funneling Missouri girls across state lines to sacrifice their children.

December 22, 2023

As if the Abortion Giant’s activities aren’t barbaric enough, Project Veritas catches them boldly trafficking 13 year old girls out-of-state, usurping parents, teachers, or any adult who may have their best interests in mind. This disgusting, yet lucrative practice enables continued sexual abuse and predation to go unchecked AND entices these young and vulnerable girls…

Criminalizing Pills

December 14, 2023

In a post-Roe America, abortion is soaring and we are now faced with an incalculable death toll. Abortion advocates praise the availability and wide usage of the abortion pill for our current catastrophe. On the other hand, abortion opponents see this as an opportunity to go after distributors, suppliers and manufacturers. Supposing such a targeted…

When a woman’s life is in danger?

December 14, 2023

Abortion, the intentional killing of a pre-born human being, is never necessary to save the life of the mother. Abortion exceptions for “the life of the mother” are never necessary in bills of equal protection. This rhetoric was easy to push in the 70s and 80s when ignorance of fetal life and women’s health abounded.…

Serious Questions

December 14, 2023

Some Serious Questions If someone ends the life of another, without just cause (i.e., murder), should the murderer be held accountable?  Of course, with exceptions, laws in every state of the union mete out certain punishments for taking the life of a human (homicide). Many examples can be found to make the point that justice for the…

Equal Protection Under the Law is God’s Standard for Justice

November 19, 2023

Listen to and share this timely message from Bill Ascol on Isaiah 10:1-4