Posts Tagged ‘audio’
AAMO Podcast 12: An Abolitionist Voting Guide 2022
Although not covering every candidate in the running in Missouri, Brandon and Wes walk through some candidates that AAMO encourages our listeners to support and vote for.
Read MoreAAMO Podcast 11: Why We Should Be Single-Issue Voters Regarding Abortion
We’re joined by Joshua Jenkins and Kevan Myers to discuss the subject of “single-issue voting” and why it’s a must for abolitionists. Though we have some important clarifications to make along the way as well.
Read MoreAAMO Podcast 10: Needs from AAMO for the upcoming election
We’re back after a month long break, and joined by Wes to discuss the needs we have as we head into the election and prepare for the next session.
We’ll have the voter guide that we speak of up and available on our website very soon!
Read MoreAAMO Podcast 9: The Pill – Contraceptives and Abortifacients
Violet Stephens joins us to help us unravel all the fuzzy information about the Pill, and all those associated with it.
Read MoreAAMO Podcast 8: Why And How We Go To Planned Parenthood
We’re joined again by Kevan Myers to answer the question “why do we go to planned parenthood and plead for baby’s lives?” In addition to answering that, Kevan lays out some amazingly helpful advice and strategies for “how” to go as well.
Read MoreAAMO Podcast 7: Is It Murder Or Not? An Example Of The Deficiencies Of Pro-life Legislation
We’re joined again by Violet Stephens as we examine a Vice article about a 17 year old who attempted to murder her 28 week old baby, and then burn the evidence.
Read MoreAAMO Podcast 6: What to say to those involved in abortions
Brandon takes this episode to consider how the gospel relates to those who’ve been involved in abortion.
Read MoreAAMO Podcast 5: Answering Objections to Abolition Part 2
We’re back again with Joshua Jenkins and Kevan Myers finishing out our two-part series on objections to an abolitionist approach to ending abortion.
Read MoreAAMO Podcast 4: Answering Objections to Abolition – Part 1
We’re joined by Joshua Jenkins and Kevan Myers to begin walking through the most common objections to abolition.
Read MoreAAMO Podcast 3: Why Abolition?
We’re joined by Kevan Myers to “go back to the foundation” and consider what it means to hold to an abolitionist position on abortion. What is abolitionism?
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